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Who doesn't climb their window frames? Why do you gotta make me feel weird about it? Cool story!

I am so glad someone saw that bit! :D 

Short story with an on point sound track a remainder that story telling is everything.  I instantly connected with the minimalist environment, truly amazing.   

This is deep...   

I know there is a saying out there that mentions doing the most with the least...

Everyone misses someone...  Very good. 

Thank you so much!

The art is fantastic. It conveys so much with so little. Just look at those boots! Wonderful little story. I love it.


Thank you! I always worry my art is a bit too simple so that's really nice to hear. :)

You should definitely never worry about whether or not your art is too simple. It really isn't! :)

This game made me 'aww' a lot :D It's so lovely and really well made, love the art style!

Thank you so much! I'd hoped to make something a bit bigger but it turned out to just be a really short story, I guess...